Entering the water from the beach located a few steps from the diving center, you’ll find yourself inside a natural swimming pool which, starting from a few centimeters to about three meters depth, is perfect for anyone want to approach for the first time to the scuba diving world, with the discover scuba diving experience or with the open water diver course. A sand channel then opens the way to the outer part of the reef, which slope down to a depth of about 25 meters. Colorful reef fish, jackfish patrolling the reef, sea eagles and occasional, but not unusual, sightings of white tip reef sharks and turtles make this dive site a perfect place for beginners, and for all those divers who after long periods of inactivity decide to reappear to the underwater world in total safety, relax and fun.

MADHOOGALI REEF: Difficulty: Beginner Time to destination: 15 minutes

MADHOOGALI REEF: Difficulty: Beginner Time to destination: 15 minutes

Coral Walls: The underwater landscape is characterized by colorful coral walls that slope down to about 30 meters deep. Marine Life: Divers can now enjoy a diverse range of marine life, including schools of reef fish, groupers, mackerels, sea eagles, turtles, and white tip sharks. Dive Depth: The dive spot offers depths suitable for divers, reaching approximately 30 meters. Suitability: Madhoogali is described as an easy dive spot, making it particularly suitable for beginner divers. It can also serve as a repetitive dive during the day.

RAN FARU SNORKELING POINT: Difficulty: Beginner Time to destination: 15 minutes

RAN FARU SNORKELING POINT: Difficulty: Beginner Time to destination: 15 minutes

Ran Faru Snorkeling Point - Northeast Corner: Location: The spot is situated at the north-east corner of the wide reef located between the islands of Feridhoo and Maalhos. Suitability: Particularly recommended for snorkeling, but also suitable for diving with beginners or for repetitive dives during the day. Depth: The average depth ranges between 12 and 15 meters, making it accessible for divers with various experience levels. Underwater Environment: Coral Reef: Divers and snorkelers can explore a coral reef at the specified depth. Marine Life: The area is populated by a variety of marine life, including reef fish, jackfish, eagle rays, white tip sharks, and other species. Dive Experience: Described as a "funny and relaxing dive," indicating a leisurely and enjoyable underwater experience. Recommendation: Dive and Snorkel Variety: The spot is versatile, catering to both snorkelers and divers, especially those with beginner-level skills. Marine Diversity: The presence of diverse marine life, including eagle rays and white tip sharks, adds excitement to the underwater experience. Enjoyable Dive: The description suggests that the dive is not only visually appealing but also offers a sense of relaxation and enjoyment.

BEROKULO THILA: Difficulty: Beginner Time to destination: 10 minutes

BEROKULO THILA: Difficulty: Beginner Time to destination: 10 minutes

Location: This small thila is situated near the south-west side of another dive spot, Berokulo Reef. Top Plate Depth: The top plate of the thila is at a shallow depth of only 5 meters, making it easily accessible for divers. Characteristics: Lovely and Relaxing Dive: Described as a lovely and relaxing dive, indicating a pleasant and tranquil underwater experience. Colorful and Rich in Life: The dive spot is characterized by vibrant colors and a rich diversity of marine life. Simplicity: The simplicity of the dive makes it particularly suitable for beginners, providing a comfortable introduction to underwater exploration. Suitability: Beginners: The dive spot is explicitly mentioned as suitable for beginners, offering them a gentle and enjoyable underwater experience. Repetitive Dives: The simplicity and beauty of the site make it suitable for repetitive dives throughout the day. Overall Experience: The dive is portrayed as both colorful and rich in life, creating an appealing environment for divers of various skill levels. The emphasis on relaxation and suitability for beginners suggests a welcoming and easy-going atmosphere.

DHIGGA REEF: Difficulty: Beginner Time to destination: 25 minutes

DHIGGA REEF: Difficulty: Beginner Time to destination: 25 minutes

Location: The dive spot is located at the west end of a drop-shaped reef. Characteristics: Simple Dive Spot: Described as another simple dive spot, making it particularly suitable for beginners. Average Depth: The dive will take place at an average depth of 15 meters. Underwater Features: Colorful Corals: Divers can expect to explore the dive site among colorful corals, enhancing the visual appeal of the underwater environment. Reef Fish: The area is populated by a variety of reef fish, adding to the marine life diversity. Small Beautiful Cave: A small and beautiful cave is situated on the north-west side of the reef, providing an interesting feature for divers. Experience: Relaxing "Underwater Walk": The dive is described as a relaxing "underwater walk," suggesting a leisurely and enjoyable experience for divers. Suitability: For Beginners: The simplicity of the dive spot and the average depth of 15 meters make it particularly suitable for beginner divers. Cave Exploration: Divers have the opportunity to explore a small, beautiful cave, adding an element of interest to the dive.

DHONAGALI CAVES Difficulty: Beginner Time to destination: 25 minutes

DHONAGALI CAVES Difficulty: Beginner Time to destination: 25 minutes

Location: Situated in the south-west part of a big circular reef. Dive Depth: Takes place at a medium depth, ranging between 12 and 16 meters. Underwater Scenery: Coral Walls: The main feature of the scenery includes coral walls. Reef Fish: The walls are inhabited by a variety of reef fish, contributing to the vibrant underwater environment. Caves with Soft Corals: Small caves with vaults are present, covered by soft corals. Marine Life: Animal Refuge: The site serves as a refuge for various marine animals, including groupers, schools of blue-striped snappers, moray eels, and stingrays. Additional Sightings: Divers can also encounter mackerels, white tip sharks, and eagle rays. Dive Experience: Medium Depth Exploration: Divers will explore the medium depth range, allowing for a comfortable and extended underwater experience. Overall Dive Atmosphere: The dive promises a picturesque underwater landscape with a mix of coral formations and diverse marine life.

DINOLHU KUDA KANDU: Difficulty: Beginners Time to destination: 40 min

DINOLHU KUDA KANDU: Difficulty: Beginners Time to destination: 40 min

Location: The dive spot offers two different types of diving experiences. Seasonal Variation: East Monsoon Season (December/April): Cleaning Station: During this period, the shallow waters of the lagoon become a natural cleaning station. Marine Highlight: Divers can admire the presence of wonderful big manta rays. Year-round Dive Experience: Drift Dive: Throughout the year, the site offers an amusing drift dive experience. Outer Reef Exploration: Divers can explore the outer reef, enjoying colorful corals and the biodiversity that the Maldives has to offer. Dive Dynamics: Drift Dive: The dive spot is characterized by an amusing drift dive experience. Outer Reef Exploration: Divers move alongside the outer reef to explore its vibrant coral formations and marine life. Overall Dive Experience: The dive spot offers a unique and varied experience, combining the excitement of a drift dive with the opportunity to witness manta rays during the specific season.

RAN FARU SOUTH CORNER: Difficulty: Beginner / Advanced Time to destination: 30 minutes

RAN FARU SOUTH CORNER: Difficulty: Beginner / Advanced Time to destination: 30 minutes

Location: Situated at the south-west corner of the wide reef located between the islands of Feridhoo and Maalhos. Characteristics: Maldivian Pass: Described as a typical Maldivian pass, indicating a channel that connects the open ocean with the internal sea of the atoll. Drift Dive: This is a drift dive, with the direction dependent on the incoming or outgoing current. Underwater Features: Reef Topography: The dive takes place alongside a wonderful reef featuring overhangs, ravines, and protrusions covered by soft corals. Marine Life Hiding Spots: The reef's topography serves as perfect hiding places and refuges for groupers, stingrays, and nurse sharks. Dive Dynamics: Drift Dive Experience: Divers will experience the dynamic nature of a drift dive, allowing them to move with the current. Marine Encounters: Groupers: The reef provides hiding places for groupers. Stingrays: Stingrays can be encountered in the area. Nurse Sharks: Nurse sharks may also find refuge in the reef. Overall Experience: Explosion of Life: The dive promises an explosion of life, indicating a vibrant and lively underwater environment throughout the journey. Note: Given the description of a drift dive, it's important for divers to be experienced and comfortable with this type of diving, as currents can vary.

HIMANDHOO THILA: Difficulty: advanced Time to destination: 75 minutes

HIMANDHOO THILA: Difficulty: advanced Time to destination: 75 minutes

Location: Situated within the Himandhoo Dhekunu Kandu pass. Topography: Thila: The dive spot is a beautiful thila, and the top plate starts at 10 meters, sloping down to the bottom of the channel at 30 meters depth. Dive Features: South Side Exploration: The dive primarily develops on the south side of the shoal, offering diverse underwater scenery. Coral Blocks: Divers can explore blocks of corals, adding to the visual appeal. Colorful Overhangs: The area features colorful overhangs, enhancing the beauty of the dive. Beautiful Caves: Beautiful caves covered by soft coral contribute to the unique underwater landscape. Canyon: A distinctive aspect is a canyon situated close between the reef and a long rock that runs parallel to it. Marine Life: Variety of Species: Divers can encounter a variety of species, including jackfish, white tip sharks, napoleon wrasse, and turtles. Manta Rays (Seasonal): From December to April, big manta rays can be seen as they come for cleaning, allowing divers to witness this fascinating behavior. Overall Experience: Rich Biodiversity: The dive spot offers rich biodiversity, with a mix of marine life and unique underwater features. Distinctive Canyon: The presence of a canyon adds an interesting element to the dive experience. Note: Visitors interested in encountering manta rays should plan their dives during the period from December to April when these majestic creatures frequent the area.

FESDHOO WRECK: Difficulty: Advanced Time to destination: 30minutes

FESDHOO WRECK: Difficulty: Advanced Time to destination: 30minutes

Wreck Type: A 30 meters long fishing boat sunk in the eighties. Location: The wreck is lying on a sandy bottom at approximately 30 meters depth, with the top of the frame at a depth of 22 meters. Underwater Features: Coral Coverage: Over time, the wreck has become covered by both hard and soft corals. Marine Life: Lionfishes and other species have found shelter and habitats around the wreck. Neighboring Thila: Type: There is a neighboring small thila adjacent to the wreck. Top Depth: The thila rises till 12 meters from the surface. Characteristics: The thila is described as full of colorful corals and reef life. Dive Dynamics: Dive Depth: Divers can explore the wreck at depths ranging from 22 to 30 meters. Thila Exploration: The dive can conclude with an exploration of the neighboring thila, providing a shallower and vibrant dive experience. Overall Dive Experience: Wreck Exploration: Divers can explore the intriguing wreck, observing the transformation into an artificial reef. Reef Life: The surrounding area, including the thila, offers diverse marine life and colorful coral formations.

HANGOTI THILA: Difficulty: Advanced / Experts Time to destination: 60 min

HANGOTI THILA: Difficulty: Advanced / Experts Time to destination: 60 min

Topography: Shape: The thila has an almost rectangular shape. Depth Profile: It starts from 10 meters depth and slopes down to 30 meters. Underwater Features: Coral Coverage: The entire thila is covered by beautiful corals, enhancing the visual appeal of the dive site. Marine Life: A diverse array of marine life, including various species of reef fish, mackerels, turtles, and rays, find their habitat in this underwater environment. Current Dynamics: Cleaning Station: During periods of strong current, the site transforms into a natural cleaning station for grey and white-tip sharks. Shark Behavior: Sharks, including grey and white-tip species, swim around, allowing cleaner fish to enter their mouths and clean them. Dive Depth: Depth Range: The dive encompasses a range from 10 to 30 meters. Overall Dive Experience: The thila promises a vibrant and lively underwater experience with its rich coral coverage and diverse marine inhabitants. The opportunity to witness sharks at a natural cleaning station adds a unique and thrilling aspect to the dive. This dive spot sounds like an incredible destination for divers, offering a mix of vibrant coral life, diverse marine species, and the unique phenomenon of sharks utilizing the site as a natural cleaning station during strong currents. The rectangular shape and depth range contribute to the overall allure of this underwater adventure.

KIRU THILA: Difficulty: Advanced Time to destination: 60 min

KIRU THILA: Difficulty: Advanced Time to destination: 60 min

Topography: Thila Size: The dive spot features a large thila. Reef Plate Depth: The reef plate starts from 7 meters and slopes down to over 30 meters. Underwater Features: Coral Coverage: The thila is covered by colorful soft and hard corals, enhancing the visual appeal of the underwater environment. Reef Fish: Various species of reef fish inhabit the area. Large Fish Attraction: The site is known for attracting larger fish species, including white and grey tip reef sharks, mackerels, and barracuda. Ray and Turtle Presence: Divers can encounter various kinds of rays and turtles. Conservation Status: Government Protection: The Maldivian Government has protected this site. Regulations: No fishing or anchoring is allowed at the protected dive site. Overall Dive Experience: Divers can enjoy a diverse and thriving underwater ecosystem, including vibrant corals, reef fish, and the presence of impressive larger marine species. The protection status ensures the preservation of the site's ecological integrity.

Marine Protected Area  MAAYA THILA Difficulty: Advanced Time to destination: 75 minutes

Marine Protected Area MAAYA THILA Difficulty: Advanced Time to destination: 75 minutes

Location: This dive spot is recognized as one of the most famous in the Maldives. Conservation Status: Marine Protected Area: The Maldivian Government has designated this small thila as a marine protected area since 1997. Topography: Thila Size: The dive spot features a small thila. Reef Plate Depth: The reef plate starts from around 8 meters and slopes down to 35 meters. Underwater Features: Overhangs and Protrusions: All around the thila, there are overgrown overhangs and big protrusions. Caves with Soft Corals: These features create beautiful caves with vaults covered by soft corals. Marine Life: The caves are home to groupers, scorpionfish, and moray eels. Aquarium of Schools: Divers can witness an aquarium-like scene with schools of small fishes, including fusiliers and blue-stripe snappers. Large Fish Species: Larger fish species, such as mackerels (tuna, jackfish, etc.), barracuda, white tip sharks, and turtles, are present. Conservation Measures: Preservation Efforts: The marine protected area status reflects the commitment to preserving the underwater ecosystem. Overall Dive Experience: Divers can enjoy a unique and vibrant underwater environment, rich in biodiversity and featuring both small and large marine species.

MAALHOS THILA: Difficulty: Experts Time to destination: 20 minutes

MAALHOS THILA: Difficulty: Experts Time to destination: 20 minutes

A very well known dive spot. The thila plate start from 10 meters depth, and slop down to over 30 meters. On the south side small overhangs and ravines covered by soft corals are the background for schools of blue striped snappers, fusiliers and a lot of reef fish. Mackerels, white tip shark, napoleon and others beautiful species of fish can complete this wonderful scenery.

DONKALO THILA (Manta Point) Difficulty: Experts Time to destination: 45 minutes

DONKALO THILA (Manta Point) Difficulty: Experts Time to destination: 45 minutes

Location: This dive spot is recognized as one of the best manta points in the Maldives. Topography: Sandy Channel: The site features a sandy channel situated between two reef plates. Depth: The depth ranges from 13 to 28 meters, providing diverse underwater terrain for exploration. Seasonal Highlights: Period: The prime time to visit is from December to April. Current Flow: During this period, the current flows from east to west. Marine Life: Manta Rays: Big mantas are known to frequent the site, turning it into a significant natural cleaning station where these creatures often pause. Schools of Reef Fish: Throughout the year, the site is inhabited by numerous schools of reef fish and other marine species. Overall Experience: Manta Encounters: Divers have the opportunity to witness and interact with big mantas during their visit. Natural Cleaning Station: The site's characteristics make it a natural cleaning station, a behavior observed in mantas. Year-Round Attraction: The presence of schools of reef fish ensures an appealing diving experience throughout the year. Note: Visitors should plan their dives during the recommended period to increase the likelihood of encountering mantas. Divers should be prepared for potential current variations and consider their level of experience in drift diving conditions.